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More about Neil

However, as a young working-class, queer femme boy, the world projected its misogyny, homophobia and transphobia onto and into me. Part of my life’s journey has been to vomit up this disowned hatred and to nurture who I am with the support of therapy, queer love, culture and friendship. 


Coming into individual and group therapy in my early thirties supported me to know who I am and wanted to be. I trained to be an Integrative Arts Therapist at the Institute of Arts and Therapy in Education (IATE) and since 2018, I have built a thriving private practice working with a diverse group of people, especially in terms of gender, race, class, sexuality and neurodiversity. I love being with people as they work through past experiences and challenging feelings with the possibility of positive change. 


Over the past decade, I have really taken to teaching – sharing what I have learned and mixing this with the expertise of people who come to my workshops and seeing where we end up. I teach, tutor and assess for various therapy trainings and work as a consultant supporting organisations such as Kooth and The Sunflower Network. I enjoy creating open, safe spaces that encourage curious exploration and increase understanding. 


My teaching interests include gender and sexuality, broader intersectional difference – including an anti-racist, class-aware position – and dance/movement as a means of connecting to ourselves and others. In 2022 I co-wrote a chapter on queer children – ‘Don’t panic: Queering the child’ – as part of the groundbreaking Queering Psychotherapy book.

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