What happens at an Introductory Workshop?
The Homa introductory workshop is the first step in the application process
The workshop is held by a team of Homa tutors, providing an opportunity to meet the people who will be teaching and guiding you during your training.
The workshop is run in the Foundation Year training room, giving you some experience of what it might be like to train at Homa.
The tutors will guide you through an experiential exercise so that you can experience first hand how the course is taught. The exercise also allows you to meet the other participants who may become your fellow trainees.
The Homa tutors will outline the content of the Psychotherapy & Counselling Diploma and will explain how the different modules and theories are taught.
There will be time to ask any questions you may have.
There are often Homa trainees present at the workshop. They will share their experience of training at Homa and can answer questions.
Once you have attended the workshop, if you decide that the Homa Psychotherapy and Counselling Diploma is the right training for you, we will send you the application form.
The introductory workshops take place on Tuesday evenings or Saturday mornings and last 3 hours. We ask that you arrive on time so that we can start promptly without interruptions from late arrivals.
There is a fee of £50 for the workshop. We charge a fee to ensure that all participants who attend the workshops are genuinely interested in training. We have found that this makes it a more meaningful experience for the whole group, one which will give you a real sense of what it would be like to train at Homa. There is a £12.50 access fee available on request. Email
Meet The Tutors
Meet some of the Homa course tutors at the Introductory Workshop
In this photo, left to right:
Top: Sophie Boss & Ben Gold
Bottom: Robbie Musillo & Jane Fraser