Start training in January 2026
Book your Introductory Workshop - 4 March 5.30pm
A unique non-academic, experiential
Diploma in Humanistic Counselling & Psychotherapy
What's unique about Homa's approach?
We offer a non-academic approach to teaching. We welcome and aim to cater for different learning styles. There is no requirement to write academic essays, assignments can be completed using a variety of media.
You will learn through your personal experience and practice of the theories. This makes your understanding and skills relevant and unique to you.
We place a very strong emphasis on Social Justice, training you to be a safe pair of hands for all your clients.
You will learn to have difficult conversations and to manage your discomfort when dealing with difference.
You will develop outstanding communication and interpersonal skills.
We value and invite independent thinking and a high level of self awareness.
You will work at relational depth in the group and with your clients.
As part of the Foundation Year there is a 5 day Residential Retreat in a beautiful country setting. Being on retreat together as a group offers a unique opportunity to enrich and deepen relationships. All the costs are included in the training fee.
The training includes ecotherapy, walk and talk therapy, embodied movement and art psychotherapy as well as talking therapy
We will teach you the business of therapy (identifying your unique way of working, marketing, finances, networking) so that you can build a successful private practice.
We team teach - there are always two or more tutors teaching each session, making us more accountable and offering you different perspectives.
You will also be taught by high calibre guest tutors who are experts in their field of psychotherapy in areas such as: race, power & privilege, gender, sexuality, sex, embodied movement, power dynamics in the therapy room, marketing and building your therapy business.
Homa provides everything you need to complete the course: Books (there is an extensive library so no need to spend any money buying them), notebooks, pencils, kit for the ecotherapy module, art materials, course certificates and diploma etc.
Homa fosters a strong sense of community and belonging even beyond graduation.
The Homa building feels like home. It is beautiful and comfortable with a well stocked kitchen and cosy communal space.
The Homa tutor team hosts an annual Open Forum for trainees of all year groups. This is an opportunity for trainees to share their views, concerns, questions and ideas allows us to draw on their insights and wisdom to continually improve and enhance the learning experience.
Come to an Introductory Workshop
Find out more about the training. The Homa introductory workshop is the first step in the application process. The workshop is led by Homa course tutors. You will find out everything you need to know about the structure and content of the Homa Diploma in Counselling and Psychotherapy. Meet the tutors and your potential peers, ask questions, see the space and find out if our training is right for you. The introductory workshop lasts three hours and takes place in the evening or on a Saturday morning.
Next workshop: Tuesday 4th March
Time: 5.30pm - 8.30pm
Venue: Homa, 26 Lloyd Baker Street, London WC1X 9AW
Fee: £50
Tickets for the Introductory Workshops are booked via Eventbrite

Walk the walk with us and grow into
the psychotherapist you want to be
Year 1
The Foundation Year is an experiential psychotherapy programme offering you a powerful year of personal and professional exploration, enquiry and growth.
This is the ideal way to start the process of becoming a psychotherapist. You can dip your toe in the water before you decide if you want to go on to complete the full training programme and qualify as a practitioner.
In the Foundation Year you will explore all that it means to be you and how you are in relationships, through the lens of humanistic theoretical traditions.
The Homa Diploma in Counselling and Psychotherapy (years 2-4) is open to anyone who has successfully completed the The Homa Foundation Year.
Years 2 - 4
The Homa Diploma in Counselling and Psychotherapy is both broad and deep. With 744 tutor-taught hours and residential modules, it is one of the most substantial trainings available in London today, offering significantly more hours than are required by the BACP to qualify. We believe that this is how long it takes for you to develop your unique qualities, skills and confidence as a practitioner.
You will learn about and practise therapeutic models such as Gestalt, Existential, Formative and Person-Centred Therapy. The training programme includes modules on sexuality, social justice and cultural competence, eco-therapy, movement and embodiment. These themes are woven into the fabric of the training as well as having their own distinct, in-depth modules.
We are committed to making our training as accessible as we can to people who dream of becoming psychotherapists. If what you have read so far on this page resonates with you and you are curious, keen and committed, then you have what it takes to do the Homa Diploma in Counselling and Psychotherapy. You don’t need more professional or life experience or more academic qualifications than you already have. Your commitment, alongside your curiosity and enthusiasm are welcome, as are any fears or uncertainty you might have. All of who you are is welcome.
You may be reading this already knowing that you definitely want to train as a psychotherapist. If that's the case, the Homa Diploma in Counselling and Psychotherapy will provide the theory and experience you need to qualify as a practitioner.
But what if you're not sure yet? We offer a limited number of places for the Foundation Year only. If you're interested in the possibility of being a psychotherapist but you're not certain, the Foundation Year means that you can experience a powerful and transformative year which will set you on a new path in your life, whatever you do next.
By the end of the year you will know whether the training is the next step for you. Whichever direction you choose, you will have developed significant skills, understanding and experience that will benefit and enrich your life, both personally and professionally.
An innovative training for a new generation of psychotherapists
Lila - Year 3
Homa is an exceptional place which I care deeply about and I’m so happy it has been birthed into existence! The training has confronted me and challenged me, and opened up my eyes to the world around me in a different way. I will be forever grateful for this unique experience.
Wendy - Year 3
I have found Homa so transformative in how I relate to myself and others. Now I am going into my placement and I can sit with people and all their discomfort. I feel like I’m ready now to be a therapist. Homa is so supportive in how we learn.
Liam - Year 3
The experiential nature of the course and being around a huge amount of love and shared experience has been so important to me.
26 Lloyd Baker Street, London, WC1W 9AW
Just 10 mins walk from Kings Cross and Angel Underground Stations